Suchen Sie geistiges Hundefutter und/oder analen Denksport? Dann sind hier an der richtigen Adresse! Phil Spass wünschen die Pöllis!

Montag, 5. November 2007

Nachtrag zu "Pöllinator gesteht Affapölli zu sein"

Soeben erreichte uns (die Redaktion) folgende Übersetzung des bereits aufgeführten Berichts in englischer Sprache, da sich Herr Schwarzenegger auch vor seinen amerikanischen Untertanen outen möchte:

Servus sportsfriends,

I'd like to comment several things which were said about me on this very serious page. First I want to admit, that I'm (in some way) a direct son of the affapölli family. And yes, it is correct that I ate shitloads of steroids, did a surgery to put my ears closer to my head and that I'm a legatsenic. I just couldn't be with my monkeyheadly look during my active time as a bodybuilder, the pressure of the society produced through the media but also the society is even for a stupid thickhead like me visible. This pursuit to beautyness is not takeable. I wish death to this medial witch-chasing which is made against the monkeyheads and i want to encourage all withliveners, to use your fists against all media stations (like FOX) to knock them down, for example with readersletters.

Also is it reasonless to deny that I meet other monkeyheads of the underholdings-business, with them Cicolas Nage, Jichael Mackson, Din Viesel and Com Truise*. I hope I could build clearness with my statement. In case of a rightwritemistake is my secretary Barbara to blame, she is in the coffebrake. So, now I have to shake hands with the burn-victims.

Hoping for your understanding

Nöldi "the monkeyhead" Blackcorner

*frames known to the nedaction

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